Behavior Point Norms
社团活动信誉分规则 - Club Activity Behaviour Points Regulations
一、目的 - Purpose
为确保社团活动的规范性和 有效性,维护社团成员的利益,特制定本规则。
To ensure the standardization and effectiveness of club activities, and to protect the interests of club members, these regulations are formulated.
二、信誉分总分 - Behaviour Points Allocation
社团信誉分初始总分设定为 100 分,最高为 100 分。
The initial total behaviour points for the club are set at 100 points, with a maximum of 100 points.
三、扣分规则 - Point Deduction Rules
行为 - Behaviour | 扣分 - Points Deducted |
未出席社团大会且未请假 - Absence from the general club meeting without prior leave | 20 |
参与学校活动时违反规定(如破坏场地、垃圾未清理、未到场)- Violating rules during school events (e.g., damaging the venue, leaving trash, no-show) | 10 |
出勤率(出勤率低于 60%)- Attendance Rate (Below 60%) | 5 |
负责人未到场 - Absence of Person In Charge | 5 |
活动氛围(很差)- Poor Event Atmosphere | 5 |
活动内容(很差)- Poor Event Content | 5 |
场地整洁度(很差)- Poor Venue Cleanliness | 5 |
未正常进行社团考勤,造假考勤数据 - Falsifying attendance data or not properly conducting attendance | 10 |
未在申报的活动时间和活动地点活动 - Holding activities outside declared time and place | 10 |
由于其他原因无法进行社团活动且未请假 - Unable to conduct club activities without leave due to other reasons | 10 |
出现违反《家长学生手册》的行为 - Violating rules in the Parent-Student Handbook | 视情节严重扣分 - Deduct based on the severity |
四、加分规则 - Point Addition Rules
连续两周表现良好,无扣分记录:加 10 分。
An addition of 10 points for every two consecutive weeks of good behavior without point deductions.
五、处罚措施 - Disciplinary Measures
描述 | 处罚 - Penalty |
总分小于等于 60 分 - Total Points ≤ 60 | |
给予书面警告 - Issuance of Written Warning | |
取消年度优秀社团评选资格 - Disqualification from Annual Outstanding Club Evaluation | |
暂停活动两周 - Suspension of Club Activities for Two Weeks | |
恢复活动的第一周将有检查人员全程监督 - Inspection during the first week of resuming activities |
描述 | 处罚 - Penalty |
总分小于等于 0 分 - Total Points ≤ 0 | |
社团立刻解散 - Immediate Disbandment of the Club | |
相关社长一年内不得成为社团发起人申请社团 - Related club presidents cannot apply to initiate a club within one year |
六、其他 - Others
Club members should actively participate in club activities and maintain the club's image. -
Club leaders should ensure the smooth operation of activities and consciously comply with these regulations.
本规则自发布之日起生效,最终解释权归 SAO 与 SLT 社团管理部所有。
These regulations take effect from the date of publication, and the final interpretation rights belong to the SAO and SLT Club Management Department.
SLT 社团管理部
SLT Club Management Department
2024 年 10 月 23 日
October 23, 2024